Lysimachia (Moneywort)
- Lysimachia nummularia v "Aurea"
by "Robert H" <robertpaulh/> (Mon, 29 Oct 2001)
- Lysimachia nummularia v. "Aurea"
by "jay reeves" <JREEVES1/> (Mon, 29 Oct 2001)
- Lysimachia nummularia v "Aurea"
by "Tomoko Schum" <tomokoschum/> (Tue, 30 Oct 2001)
by "Robert H" <robertpaulh/>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001
OK,lets talk plants. I have noticed there are several, if not many, pretty
much common plants, at least common to the trade, that are never discussed
here. One such plant is Lysimachia nummularia, known as Lloydiella or
Creeping Jenny. Aurea is a cultivar version that is golden yellow in color.
Standard version is green. Its a cute little stem plant with round leaves.
Reminds me a little of Creeping Charlie, (Micromeria brownei), except the
leaves and stems are a little bigger and coloring is a little different.
I havnt been growing it that long, so I can not relate personal experience,
but from all accounts other than needing fairly bright light, it is
undemanding. I know it is used in ponds, where is grows thick along the edge
of the pond, as well as in aquariums, and is much larger in its emersed
form. Anyone have any experience with this plant? Do you like it or dislike
it? You can see a picture here
Robert Paul Hudson
by "jay reeves" <JREEVES1/>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001
Robert H asked if anyone was growing this plant and if it is likable. I have been growing the green variety for about a year and have learned to like it. I am assuming of course that the plant I have and am describing is Lysimachia nummularia. Leaf nodes on my plants are about 2 cm apart with opposing pairs of leaves. Color is light green. Leaf shape is rounded about 2 cm across and clearly pinnate. What I like about the plant- It forms side shoots but not in overabundance so it is easy to control. Growth is slow to moderate. Each stem keeps good color for a very long time, seldom needing pruning due to fading leaf color. The stems pick a direction, generally straight up or a few degrees off and stay true to that direction. Almost looks like a ladder. Interior leaves at the bottom of a grouping will eventually brown out. I had always planted with my fingers then a couple of months ago bought a 10" curved forceps from a hand tool store for cheap (relatively). Th!
is plant has benefited tremendously from the use of the forceps. I can trim one errant stem and place it neatly anywhere in the bunch I choose without disturbing the other stems. The result has been a plant grouping that is very attractive. The 2 cm node spacing coupled with the opposing pairs of leaves is a unique look in the tank and does some very interesting things with the light. I have a 15 watt light centered in the hood that is on for about a half hour before lights on and after lights out. When this light is on, the background of the tank is very dark (Bolbitus h. behind the L.n.), in the midground L.n. is not bright but has a eerie luminescent quality.
According to the book Encyclopedia of Water Plants by Jiri Stodola, "Flowers are yellow with dark red dots inside, with 5 sepals, 5 petals, and 5 stamens. The fruit is a capsule." Also states an optimal temp. range of 50 - 60 F. Could be good for someone with a cooler tank. Mine got up to 90 this summer and the L.n. didn't suffer. Something that confuses me about the description of this plant in Baensch, Vol. 1, pg. 100 is the description of it as being a "prostrate creeper" while the accompanying photo is anything but. Would this be true in emersed form but not submersed? I have seen this before in various literature - a plant is described as having a prostrate habit next to a picture of a very upright specimen.
Although I have removed several plants completely during the past month or two Lysimachia numulania will not be going anytime soon.
Jay Reeves
Minneapolis, The leaves may be off the trees, but the garden is still producing.
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by "Tomoko Schum" <tomokoschum/>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001
This is truly an amazing plant. It grows indoors,
outdoors, emersed, submersed or planted right in the
ground in the perennial border as well. As others
pointed out, it is pretty undemanding. I have been
growing this plant in my aquarium tanks under a variety
of conditions over a year now. It seems to tolerate
adverse conditions such as high temperature, low
fertility, relatively low light, etc. It grows
relatively slowly in the aquarium although it is almost
like a weed out in my semi-shaded garden creeping
around everywhere. The lower leaves fade after a while
so I have to get rid of the bottom part and replant the
pretty yellow tops. I highly recommend this plant to