The Krib Plants | [E-mail] | ||
George & Karla Booth's tanks have their own index. I have translated the original SST postings into hypertext there, along with some scanned images. | |
George built his own web site, Aquatic Concepts, which has some overlap, plus info not available here, and is very nicely presented to boot! | |
Erik Olson (me), three articles:
Almost Affordable Aquarium (1994)
(heating coils, CO2), my
first web project, and the genesis for this site.
That Darn Plant Tank (1997) - a bigger version of the above; 75 gallon, good info on stand building, lighting, CO2, etc. More illustrations. Fish-TV!, my second planted tank. | |
Erik & Kathy Olson's fishroom. | |
Karen Randall, sometimes bugged for not keeping her own website, writes a monthly column for Aquarium Frontiers Online, with lots of great information. | |
Liisa Sarakontu, our resident Siamese Algae eater expert extrordinaire, was also the first plant person to have her own home page! | |
George Carr keeps a 55-gallon planted discus tank and relates the advantages of keeping your environment constant. | |
Jean Opsomer shows you the recipe for success in keeping a low-tech discus tank (includes a truly cool close-up of a discus against some sunset Hygro). (Also see Neil Frank's comments on low-tech.) | |
Jim Hurley talks about his tanks, and lists lots of good suggestions for good planted aquaria. | |
Hardjono Harjadi shows pictures of his cory cats and plants in a low-maintanence low-tech tank. | |
Olga Betts sent me these shots of her planted tank while learning how to take aquarium photos. | |
David Webb runs through his PVC-based substrate system on a 20 gallon tank. | |
Tim McGovern shared some of his photos and questions as he was building a DIY tank. Incomplete as of this writing... perhaps I can get some finished shots from him. | |
David's own page | |
Steve Pushak has a set of pages heavily oriented towards substrate information and experiments, plus pictures of his plants. | |
John Pitney has been keeping photos and logs on his PMDD-school tank from Day 1, so you can watch the progress. | |
Hoa G. Nguyen's site has some DIY projects, photo-diaries of his planted tanks, and nifty diffraction spectra of various fluorescent tubes. | |
Ray Boulanger has a couple detailed articles on yeast CO2, and pictures of his tanks. Most interesting is that he has subtle hyperlinks to other sites embedded right in his articles. | |
Rhonda Wilson keeps an elaborate site with emphasis on Natural (i.e. non-filtered) aquaria. Features her own sketches, and a section on aquatic inverts. | |
Jeff Dietsch has a site describing in detail the time progression of his 20-gallon tank. | |
Soren "Disky" Reinke | |
Chuck Gadd | |
Frode Roe | |
Arjan de Winter | |
Mr. Drew shows us a 60-gallon hex tank with assorted MH and compact fluorescent lighting. | |
Joseph DeRosa pretends to be a newbie in this joke posting. | |
Jeff Girard, a grad student, tries a low-budget approach. | |
Pauli Hopea describes the cannister filter CO2 injection system. | |
David Hsu builds ``yet another planted tank.'' | |
James Cho describes his plan for a 10-gallon (!) Dupla-type setup, complete with substrate heating, CO2, and ultra-high wattage lighting. | |
JJ quickly describes an automated water changing system. | |
Jon Elion sets up a 90-gallon discus tank, with really cool plumbing and an automated water changing system. | |
Vinny Kutty talks about his Dutch tank (heavy on substrate composition). | |
Shaji Bhaskar defends the low-tech in his outdoor tank, but also offers a description of his hi-tech tank. | |
In a big article, Mark Stephens describes his DIY-Dupla setup in great detail. | |
Jon `Monetc' quickly explains his tank and idea for CO2 by fermentation. | |
Gary Pimm talks about a few of his tanks (emphasis on CO2 levels and sunlight). | |
Dan Resler, who's 90-gallon tank looked like the picture at the top of this page, has authored a newbie article on the Ten Gallon Plant Tank. | |
Keith Rogers expounds the virtues of low-tech, citing one of his tanks as an example. | |
Scott Schaeffer suggests potting your plants, and gives a substrate recipe. | |
Nageshwara Rao Vempaty builds a planted tank that features an UGF and Halogen (not Metal Halide) lighting. | |
Bob Hoesch talks about his new tank. (Bad needle valve, DIY reactor.) | |
Glen W Osterhout plans a bog environment. | |
Bryan Cass describes how he, a newbie, set up a beginner plant tank. |
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