- Cyclops
by IDMiamiBob/ (Tue, 28 Oct 1997)
- Cyclops
by "Stuart" <stuart/> (Wed, 29 Oct 1997)
- Re: Cyclops
by IDMiamiBob/ (Sat, 1 Nov 1997)
by IDMiamiBob/
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997
To: apisto/
I have seen cyclops in the mid-Atlantic region as big as daphnia. If they
get into a daphnia culture, they will overtake it and it will become a
cyclops culture. They can be cultured the same way as daphnia, quite
successfully. If you introduce some large ones into a tank of itty-bitty
fry, they will provide newly-hatched cyclops for food, and filter the water,
pretty much like daphnia.
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by "Stuart" <stuart/>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997
To: <apisto/>
Bob wrote; (Snip) If you introduce some large ones into a tank of
itty-bitty fry, they will provide newly-hatched Cyclops for food,
Hate to disagree with Bob, but it's not a good idea to put Cyclops, which
in the UK at least are only slightly smaller than Daphnia, in with fry as
they have been known to attack and kill the fry.
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by IDMiamiBob/
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997
To: apisto/
In a message dated 97-11-01 01:15:24 EST, Tom wrote:
Anybody in the states worked with these big cyclops to any extent? A
comparison between cyclops, baby brine shrimp, and daphnia would be very
interesting. How do you intentionally culture these large cyclops? Can
they be collected in natural watercourses like daphnia in their natural
Tom >>
You culture them by feeding them infusoria (paramecia and such) I had a
friend once had them take over a five-gallon daphnia tank that he was
feeding Roti-Rich. THey continued to thrive on that diet, so they must be
capable of filter-feeding. Yes, they can be collected in standing water all
over the place. Seasonal wetlands that are wooded tend to be one of their
favorite places. They return with the spring thaw each year, so I guess the
eggs must spore when they dry out.
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