Fluidized Bed Filters
- What is a FLUIDIZED BED filter
by orly-at-ti.com (Orly) (20 Nov 1996)
by orly-at-ti.com (Orly)
Date: 20 Nov 1996
Newsgroup: rec.aquaria.freshwater.cichlids
In article <havryliv-ya023180001911962122160001-at-news.wr.com.au>,
havryliv-at-wr.com.au says...
>Could someone tell me what a fluidized bed filter is. Also are there many
>advantages in running a reverse flow undergravel filter over a normal
>undergravel filter.
>Thanks, Adam Havryliv, havryliv-at-wr.com.au
I do not like reverse flow because it eliminates the redundant surface
agitation that is usually afforded by normal undergravel setups. You usually
compliment your UGF with some mechanical filtration and thsu provide 2 sources
for tumbling O2 into your water. When you go RUGF, you eliminate one and if
the mechanical filter stalls you have what I refer to as "Orly's $1,500 stupid
On fluid beds: These are extremely compact filters that use the same exact
concept as your UGF, but with some minor differences - 1) sand is used in lieu
of gravel, increasing the avalable surface area considerably 2) the sand is
tumbled in water, improving oxygenation. The best thing about these gems, is
that they are extremely easy to DIY and you can bio filter 200 gallons of
loaded water with just $10 in materials and a power head or pump.
A friend has a nice DIY plan for this thing and she can be reached at
orly-at-ti.com There really is no heaven, just
some big lakes in East Africa.