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Apistogramma sp. "Four Stripes"


  1. Sexing A. Nijsseni -Reply
    by "Kathryn Olson" <Kathryn.Olson/> (Thu, 02 Apr 1998)
  2. A. sp. four stripes
    by Mike & Diane Wise <apistowise/> (Tue, 14 Jul 1998)
  3. A. sp. four stripes
    by Tim Ellis <timellis/> (Wed, 15 Jul 1998)
  4. A. sp "four stripes"
    by Mike & Diane Wise <apistowise/> (Fri, 06 Nov 1998)
  5. A. sp "four stripes"
    by Fredrik.Ljungberg/ (Mon, 09 Nov 1998)

A. sp. "Four Stripes"

photo by Erik Olson

A. sp. "Four Stripes"

photo by Ken Laidlaw

Sexing A. Nijsseni -Reply

by "Kathryn Olson" <Kathryn.Olson/>
Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998
To: apisto/

>>> "A. Inniss" <> 03/24/98 07:43am >>>

> Question to other apistophiles:  the sexing method I mention above
>seems to work well for many spp. I'm familiar with, but I'd like to know
>with which spp. this technique wouldn't be helpful.


A little late on this reply.  Using the black fins to sex apistos does =
work for a lot of species but not all.  One that comes to mind is A sp. =
four stripe (aka ayachuco).


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A. sp. four stripes

by Mike & Diane Wise <apistowise/>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998
To: apisto/


The Vierstreifen (Four-stripe) Apistogramma is known to occur in two locations:
The Rio Uaupés/Vaupés, an upper Rio Negro tributary that crosses the
Colombian/Brazilian border, and also in lakes and streams along the middle Rio
Orinoco about 50 km (30 mi.) north of the city of Puerto Ayacucho.

The Rio Uaupés/Vaupés form is found with species like A. uaupesi and A.
elizabethae and like them requires soft acid water.   For the Orinoco form,
called A. sp. Puerto Ayacucho in Linke & Staeck's newest edition of their book
(in German only) they give the following water conditions at their collecting

water depth: up to 40 cm (16 in.); color: muddy; pH 4.4; total hardness: <1ºdH;
carbonate hardness: <1ºdH; conductivity: 10 µS/cm; water flow: none; water
temperature: 32.4ºC (90ºF); air temperature: 31.8ºC (89ºF); date: 3/3/96.

Realize that this is the dry season in Venezuela and these are extreme values,
not what they normally breed in.  They give these general values for the high
water season (July, 1989) in the same area:  total & carbonate hardness <1º dH;
conductivity 10-19 µS/cm, pH 5.5, & water temperature at 25.5ºC (78ºF).

Although I've never had this species, I have spawned the closely related species
(both genetically and geographically) A. iniridae.  These spawned for me in the
following conditions: pH ~6, permanent hardness <3º dGH, carbonate hardness <2º
dKH, at 76ºF (23.5ºC).  I also found that this species, like all species of the
pertensis-group are monogamous.  I had a female who rejected several males after
she lost her mate, so having a compatable pair is as important as getting the
water condition correct.  Hope this helps.

Mike Wise

Tim Ellis wrote:

> Hi gang,
> I have a pair of these, but dont know much about them. The tetra book
> does not list them. If anybody has the maryland bork book, and it lists
> this fish would you please enlighten me a little? There is a nice
> picture on the krib but no info.
> Thanks,
> Tim
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A. sp. four stripes

by Tim Ellis <timellis/>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998
To: apisto/

Thanks yall,
You described to a tee what the collector told me. They are from Puerto Ayacucho so
I hope I can get a look at that book. They do resemble A. iniridae, and A. meinike
an awful lot. The male is quite large, about twice the size of the female. The males
dorsal is completely fused, he also has a vertical white band right before the black
caudal spot and what looks to me like an oval tail. The male dances and flares alot
for the female, but she does not seem interested, so he will snap at her till she
hides. May not be a compatible pair, only time will tell. These fish are quite shy,
only coming out when you aproach the tank, then disappearing into caves or
vegatation. Thanks again!


Mike & Diane Wise wrote:

> Tim,
> The Vierstreifen (Four-stripe) Apistogramma is known to occur in two locations:
> The Rio Uaupés/Vaupés, an upper Rio Negro tributary that crosses the
> Colombian/Brazilian border, and also in lakes and streams along the middle Rio
> Orinoco about 50 km (30 mi.) north of the city of Puerto Ayacucho.
> The Rio Uaupés/Vaupés form is found with species like A. uaupesi and A.
> elizabethae and like them requires soft acid water.   For the Orinoco form,
> called A. sp. Puerto Ayacucho in Linke & Staeck's newest edition of their book
> (in German only) they give the following water conditions at their collecting
> site:
> water depth: up to 40 cm (16 in.); color: muddy; pH 4.4; total hardness: <1ºdH;
> carbonate hardness: <1ºdH; conductivity: 10 µS/cm; water flow: none; water
> temperature: 32.4ºC (90ºF); air temperature: 31.8ºC (89ºF); date: 3/3/96.
> Realize that this is the dry season in Venezuela and these are extreme values,
> not what they normally breed in.  They give these general values for the high
> water season (July, 1989) in the same area:  total & carbonate hardness <1º dH;
> conductivity 10-19 µS/cm, pH 5.5, & water temperature at 25.5ºC (78ºF).
> Although I've never had this species, I have spawned the closely related species
> (both genetically and geographically) A. iniridae.  These spawned for me in the
> following conditions: pH ~6, permanent hardness <3º dGH, carbonate hardness <2º
> dKH, at 76ºF (23.5ºC).  I also found that this species, like all species of the
> pertensis-group are monogamous.  I had a female who rejected several males after
> she lost her mate, so having a compatable pair is as important as getting the
> water condition correct.  Hope this helps.
> Mike Wise
> Tim Ellis wrote:
> > Hi gang,
> >
> > I have a pair of these, but dont know much about them. The tetra book
> > does not list them. If anybody has the maryland bork book, and it lists
> > this fish would you please enlighten me a little? There is a nice
> > picture on the krib but no info.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Tim
> >
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A. sp "four stripes"

by Mike & Diane Wise <apistowise/>
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998
To: apisto/

Ken Laidlaw wrote:

> Hi,
> I have just bought three apistos labelled as A.pertensis in
> my LFS.  I believe though after consulting the dwarf books
> that they are A. sp "four stripes" since there are clearly
> visible four rows of dots below the lateral line.


Sounds like A. sp. Vierstreifen (Four-stripes) to me. As Helen mentioned
Aqualog's SA Cichlids II has photos of an older female on p.61 and a nice male on

> Is this fish still undescribes or does it now have a true name.

This fish hasn't been scientifically described yet. There are two populations
presently known. The original A. sp. Vierstreifen in the hobby came from the
upper Rio Uaupés/Vaupés, while the population more commonly available in the
commercial trade right now comes from the area around Puerto Ayacucho, Venezuela
on the middle Rio Orinoco. It sometimes is found under the name A. sp. Puerto
Ayacucho. Suttner originally introduced the Rio Uaupés/Vaupés population to the
hobby in 1987. Linke & Staeck introduced the Puerto Ayacucho population in the
1997 edition of their book (in German only).

> I picked out what I hope is two females and one male but as
> they are small I'm not so sure.  Does anyone have any
> pointers on how to sex these fish as they seem to have less
> sexual dimorphism than most apistos.

All members of the pertensis-group are characterized by little sexual dimorphism
in the body, but considerable in the finnage. The males have a high sailfin when
mature, but not quite as high as that of A. pertensis. It's very hard to sex
small fish that haven't developed their finnage. It looks like you'll have to
wait a while.

> The most dominant fish regularly takes on a yellow colour so I'm sure it is
> female.
> Any tips on best water conditions would also be appreciated, at present they
> are in pH6.5 temp 78f.

> Thanks,Ken.

> ps these fish were very inexpensive only 2.25UKP ~3.5USD
> each.
> *****************************
> Ken Laidlaw
> UK Astronomy Technology Centre
> Royal Observatory, Edinburgh
> Web:
> *****************************

I don't have any written reports on breeding this fish, but I know of aquarists
who have bred it. They breed like other members of the pertensis-group. For one
thing, they tend to be monogamous so the more fish you have the better the chance
of getting a good pair. If I were you, I'd go out an buy 3 or 4 more.

Linke & Staeck state that they found all of the ones around Puerto Ayacucho in
similar water conditions (translation follows):

"The water was very soft in all of the collecting localities (Total & Carbonate
hardness <1º dH, electrical conductivity 10-19 µS/cm) and acid. During high water
periods (July, 1989) we found a water temperature of 25.5ºC (78ºF) and the pH
running 5.5. At low water (March, 1996) we measured the same water at much higher
temperatues, between 31.8ºC (89ºF) and 32.5ºC (90.5ºF), and pH values from 4.1 -
4.4. These fish live in both standing as well as strongly flowing waters, where
they stay in the quieter pools however. In Laguna Paraqueña this dwarf cichlid
was collected together with Apistogramma sp. Breitbinden (actually the A. sp.
Caño Morrocoy population of Breitbinden - mw), Mesonauta insignis, Pterophyllum
altum and Satanoperca daemon."

Hope this helps.

Mike Wise

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A. sp "four stripes"

by Fredrik.Ljungberg/
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998
To: apisto/

Mike Wise wrote:

> I don't have any written reports on breeding this fish, but I know of aquarists
> who have bred it. They breed like other members of the pertensis-group. For one
> thing, they tend to be monogamous so the more fish you have the better the chance
> of getting a good pair. If I were you, I'd go out an buy 3 or 4 more.
> Linke & Staeck state that they found all of the ones around Puerto Ayacucho in
> similar water conditions (translation follows):
> "The water was very soft in all of the collecting localities (Total & Carbonate
> hardness <1º dH, electrical conductivity 10-19 µS/cm) and acid. During high water
> periods (July, 1989) we found a water temperature of 25.5ºC (78ºF) and the pH
> running 5.5. At low water (March, 1996) we measured the same water at much higher
> temperatues, between 31.8ºC (89ºF) and 32.5ºC (90.5ºF), and pH values from 4.1 -
> 4.4. These fish live in both standing as well as strongly flowing waters, where
> they stay in the quieter pools however. In Laguna Paraqueña this dwarf cichlid
> was collected together with Apistogramma sp. Breitbinden (actually the A. sp.
> Caño Morrocoy population of Breitbinden - mw), Mesonauta insignis, Pterophyllum
> altum and Satanoperca daemon."

I got some fry when I had them 2 years ago (the Vaupes-morph). It worked in very
and soft water, below pH 5.0 and hardness <1º dH, conductivity in the tank was less
50 µS/cm. Note that I didn't experiment a lot with these settings, I tried them
after two
unsuccesful spawns and didn't change back.

What Mike said about Breitbinden and Vierstreifen living together makes sense since
they both came in the shipment where I received my fish.

Fredrik L.

Flutter and Loads Department,  Saab Ab
voice +46 13 18 54 60, fax +46 13 18 33 63

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