by "Francis Brian O'Carroll" (Frank) <ocarroll/>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997
To: Elson/Frauley <fraulels/>
My friend "Ronald J. Belliveau" <> has bred them.
He's not on the list as far as I know but i'm sure he'd share his
knowledge with you. You might ask him to share his info with the
list, too.
I have five pucallpaensis females (caught 'em myself) but no males.
One of the females guards frozen bloodworms like they were fry and
turns lemon yellow. I hardly ever measure my water quality but it is
very soft (needs only 2 drops of hardness reagent to turn color)
and usually the ph is 6 to 6.5. These lonely females haven't tried to
mate with the eunotus/agassizi/cacatuoides in the same tank, either.
The largest female is about 2.5 cm, the rest 2 cm or less. They were
caught at size less than 1 cm in July 1996, somewhere around the Rio
Orosa in Peru (100 km or so from Iquitos). It wasn't obvious what
species they were till they grew up so I didn't record exactly where
I got them. They are much less common there than the other 3 sp I
How much did you pay for these? They are very expensive ($150/pr) here.
I have seen the glitter infection in several species of tetras; I
remember seeing a page in a magazine devoted to photos of different
fish with the same infection but I don't recall if there were any
cichlids or other families pictured. Sounds very much like you ought
to get a good photo and publish it.
Frank O'Carroll, Tokyo
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by Randy or Deb Carey <carey/>
Date: Sun, 09 Aug 1998
To: apisto/
Fredrik Nilsson (QRA) wrote:
> 3. Any pointers as to keeping and breeding them would be of great value.
> I have a 60 l set up with java fern and java moss, breeding caves, some
> floating plants and a hand-full of neons as dithers. The water is soft
> pH 6.0 and filtered over peat.
I have obtained colonies (6-8) twice in the past 18 months. I did not find this
species to be as easy to breed as most Apistos. Only the second colony (F1's)
spawned for me.
I found two cards on my Apistogrammoides spawns. I know they spawned more than
twice, but apparently I didn't write/file cards on some unsuccessful spawns. The
water parameters:
(A) pH 5.4, temp 82, conductivity 29
(B) pH 5.4, temp 83, no further info
After a couple of spawn-then-eat-the-eggs, the female would guard the fry.
However, the 29 gallon tank had various tetras and the only times I obtained fry
were when I syphoned some off and raised them in a different container.
An interesting note is that the female would lay the eggs on the side-to-bottom
of the cave (pvc tubing) rather than on the top as do all Apistogramma that I've
Perhaps my water conditioins weren't the most conducive for this species, but
neither of my colonies survived as long as most of my Apisto colonies. The first
(wild caught adults) lasted at most 6 months. Of the second (F1's obtained from
David Soares last Oct), I've been down to a single female since May.
I found Apistogrammoides to be an interesting fish. I would have liked to have
kept a colony going. (I don't say that about all the fish I've kept.)
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